On Wednesday, April 24, the Atlantic Council’s Transatlantic Relations Program hosted Ana Trišić-Babić, deputy foreign minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina for an off-the-record discussion on Bosnia’s NATO ambitions in light of a changing regional context.
Given Croatia’s accession into the European Union and the agreement reached by Serbia and Kosovo last Friday, Ms. Trišić-Babić’s visit allowed for a timely discussion on the implications these events have on Bosnia and the surrounding region. Participants addressed a range of issues including Bosnia’s Membership Action Plan (MAP), the registration of military property, the need for regional involvement and cooperation, and Bosnia’s capacity for EU and NATO membership.
Born in Banja Luka, Ana Trišić-Babić is a trained lawyer and a journalist. From 1997-1998, she was a counselor for international relations at the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She stepped into national politics in 1999, when she served in the Office of the President of Republika Srpska. Between 2001 and 2007, Ms. Trišić-Babić worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, rising to the position of assistant minister for bilateral relations. At the Foreign Ministry, she also headed a working group for Bosnia’s Stabilization and Association Agreement. In February 2007, she became deputy minister of foreign affairs.