On December 7, the Atlantic Council hosted a conference on NATO’s continued reforms and transformation in the age of austerity. This conference took stock of the progress to date on NATO’s reform efforts first established at the NATO Summit in Lisbon. The conference also provided recommendations and possible ways ahead for further reforms in order for the transatlantic Alliance to maximize the output of scarce defense resources in an uncertain and constrained environment. At the conference the Atlantic Council released two issue briefs on NATO reform; “NATO Reform: Key Principles” authored by Kurt Volker and Kevin Green, and “NATO Agency Reform, Done Right” by Marshall Billingslea and Gary Winterberger. The two briefs provide practical and policy relevant advice on how to continue NATO’s urgently needed reform and transformation effort.
This conference is part of the Council’s Smarter Alliance Initiative in partnership with IBM. The Atlantic Council and IBM established this initiative in response to the NATO Secretary General’s call for European allies to adopt a “smarter” approach to leveraging scarce defense resources to develop and sustain capabilities necessary to meet current and future security challenges. Working with recognized experts and former senior officials from Europe and the United States, the Atlantic Council and IBM have produced a set of policy-oriented briefs focused on NATO reform which will be officially launched during the conference.
2:15-3:00 – NATO Reform: The Challenge And The Agenda: Issue Brief Presentation
Featuring: Kurt Volker, Marshall Billingslea, Kevin P. Green, and Damon Wilson
3:15-4:00 – Transforming NATO’s Culture(s): Lessons From The Public And Private Sector: Issue Brief Presentation
Featuring: Edgar Buckley, Kinthi Sturtevant, and Barry Pavel
4:00-4:45 – NATO Transformation: A View from Allied Command Transformation
Keynote by: Carol Pottenger, Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability and Development, NATO Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
4:45-5:00 – Summary and Farewell
This conference is generously supported by IBM