On Tuesday, November 30, the Atlantic Council hosted a videoconference with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen for a discussion about the outcomes of the recent Lisbon summit. Atlantic Council Board Director and former National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush Stephen J. Hadley hosted the discussion and introduced the Secretary General.
Secretary General Rasmussen focused his remarks on the importance of the new NATO Strategic Concept, the Alliance’s strategy for transition of security responsibility in Afghanistan, the development of new partnerships, and NATO’s important new initiatives regarding command structure reform and capabilities development, including a NATO ballistic missile defense system. He then took questions from the audience.
The Secretary General’s remarks were delivered to members of the Atlantic Council Board of Directors.
This videoconference continues the work of the Atlantic Council to shape and influence the debate on NATO through the STRATCON 2010 project of the Strategic Advisors Group, the NATO Forum, and the Council’s instant analysis and reaction of the activities of the Lisbon summit.