I was on Fox News’ Sean Hannity Show last night to talk about Berlin 1961. We talked about almost everything but!
Here’s an excerpted transcript:
HANNITY: And tonight in our Great, Great American panel, he’s a former reporter, columnist and editor for the "Wall Street Journal," author of the new book, "Berlin" in 1961, the year I was born, "Kennedy, Khruschev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth," Frederick Kempe is here.
HANNITY: Well, what do you make of rap today, hip-hop today, B’s, ho’s, shooting, killing, gangs and that’s not all rap, but some of it. It’s a lot of it? What do you think about this rapper being invited to the White House based on his controversial statements?
FREDERICK KEMPE, "BERLIN 1961" AUTHOR: I have a two line rhyme about this.
KEMPE: Here’s where the president made a mistake, political judgment. Do you really want this as an issue right now after you have killed Osama Bin Laden? So I would question the president’s political judgment if not – –
KEMPE: Poets historically have been edgy. If you are an edgy poet, should you not be invited to the White House? I think it is an art form. I think it capture the whole heart of society, why not invite him?
KEMPE: I don’t know enough about him is racist or not. But you have to call racists, racist whether they’re black or whether they’re white. And then you have to — lead a society that works its way away from that.
HANNITY: The TSA pat down, did you see the pat-down of a little infant? Pretty outrageous.
KEMPE: You now can get a global pass. You can go through if you are a low risk person. Homeland Security is trying to take low risk passengers out. So these low risk passengers — I think we need global baby pass.
Later in the show Newt Gingrich, who I’ve known for years, announced that he was running for President. This may have upstaged my appearance a bit. He made up for it by plugging my book to his 1.3 million Twitter followers!
Fred Kempe is president and CEO of the Atlantic Council. His latest book, Berlin 1961, was released on May 10.
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