Atlantic Council Strategy Papers Series
A Nonstate Strategy for Saving Cyberspace

A conversation with:
Jay Healey
Senior Fellow, Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security
Atlantic Council

Siobhan Gorman
Director, Washington, DC
Brunswick Group

Bobbie Stempfley
Director, Cyber Strategy Implementation
MITRE Corporation

Moderated by:
Shane Harris
Senior Writer
Wall Street Journal

“A Nonstate Strategy for Saving Cyberspace,” written by Jay Healey, featuring a foreword by Atlantic Council Senior Fellow Jeff Moss, posits that the only way to ensure cyberspace remains as free, resilient, secure and awesome for future generations is to flip the relationship between Internet attackers and defenders, making cyber defense easier than offense. This is only possible, Healey argues, when new technology, policy and practice are applied patiently, internationally, at scale, and with the private sector out front.

Please note that the goal of this event will be to not only hear from the panel but to engage in a conversation with the audience about this important topic. So, please be prepared to raise your questions and comments and the panel will be engaging members of the audience throughout the conversation to encourage greater dialogue and debate.

The Atlantic Council Strategy Papers series is designed to enrich the public debate and build consensus on the great strategic challenges of our time, as well as to help shape strategic thinking in US and allied governments, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the global media. Check out the entire series on the Strategy Initiative's microsite,


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Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator) 
Washington, DC 

This event is open to press and on the record. 

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