Please join us in celebrating the launch of the new TTIP Caucus on April 3.
Opening Remarks by
Congressman Bill Keating (D-MA), co-Chair, TTIP Caucus
Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA), co-Chair, TTIP Caucus
Congressman Erik Paulsen (R-MN), co-Chair, TTIP Caucus
Congressman Todd Young (R-IN), co-Chair, TTIP Caucus
Ambassador Michael Punke, Deputy US Trade Representative, USTR
Ambassador João Vale de Almeida, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United States
The United States and the European Union have launched negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), an agreement that, if successful, will create the world’s largest marketplace covering almost half of global GDP. An ambitious and comprehensive TTIP could bring significant gains for both the United States and European Union once fully implemented.
As the US and EU continue to negotiate this landmark trade and investment agreement, many lawmakers have indicated their strong desire to play a leading role in shaping the debate and promoting the transatlantic relationship. We are therefore pleased that a TTIP Caucus is being established, and invite you to join in our celebration at a reception on Capitol Hill on the evening of April 3.
At the reception, the Atlantic Council, the Bertelsmann Foundation, the British Embassy in Washington, DC will release new data concerning the benefits of TTIP for a number of congressional districts following up on their earlier work on TTIP and the fifty states. The German Marshall Fund will provide materials from premier experts on the overall effects of the agreement on the transatlantic economy and on neighboring countries.
Please note that this invitation is nontransferable and RSVP is required for entry.
This event complies with House and Senate ethics rules as a widely attended event.