EuroGrowth Initiative
A Road Map for European Growth with European Commission Vice President Jyrki Katainen
A conversation with:
H.E. Jyrki Katainen
Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment, and Competitiveness
European Commission
H.E. José Manuel Barroso
EU Co-Chair, EuroGrowth Initiative
Former President of the European Commission
Introduced by:
The Hon. Stuart Eizenstat
US Co-Chair, Atlantic Council EuroGrowth Taskforce
Former Ambassador to the European Union
Welcoming remarks:
Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr.
Atlantic Council
Moderated by:
Andrea Montanino
Director, Global Business and Economics Program
Atlantic Council
As the key player for shaping the European Union’s agenda on growth, Vice President Katainen will share his views on why there is a window of opportunity to ensure a stronger Europe in the future, despite Europe's ongoing struggle with geopolitical tensions which underscore the fragility of its economy.
After a keynote from Vice President Katainen, he will be joined on stage by former European Commission President and Co-Chair of the EuroGrowth Initiative's Task Force José Manuel Barroso for an active discussion moderated by Andrea Montanino, Director of the Atlantic Council's Global Business and Economics Program. Together, they will provide invaluable insights into future investment opportunities, outlining a road map for future growth in Europe.
The event will launch the Atlantic Council "EuroGrowth Initiative" which will develop paths towards sustainable growth in Europe and reinforce the bonds of the Atlantic community.
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Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator)
Washington, DC
This event is open to press and on the record.
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