America’s Role in the World
Global Threats, Global Perspectives

A conversation with:
Jacob Poushter
Senior Researcher
Pew Research Center

Ellen Laipson
Professor, Program Manager, and Director,

International Security Program,
Schar School of Government and Public Policy
George Mason University

David Anderson
Head, Credit and Political Risks, 
Specialty Products

Zurich North America

Mathew Burrows
Director, Foresight, Strategy, and Risks Initiative
Atlantic Council

Moderated by:

Kate Brannen
Deputy Managing Editor
Just Security

The report focuses on global perspectives on the greatest risks facing the world today, from national security concerns to broader global issues such as climate change, and the economy. The day’s discussion will explore the results of Pew’s survey from across the thirty-eight countries polled. Does the existential threat of ISIS affect people outside of the Middle East and Europe? Where are worries of influence of the United States, Russia, or China most acute? Following a short presentation of the report, the panelists will evaluate the circumstances and tenuous relationships that may account for the findings.

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Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator) 
Washington, DC 

This event is open to press and on the record.