Please join the Atlantic Council for the launch of Dr. Sean McFate’s new book entitled The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder.
A conversation with:
Dr. Sean McFate
Senior Fellow, Africa Center
Atlantic Council
Ms. Nathalia Dukhan
Field Researcher and Analyst
Enough Project
Moderated by:
Mr. Julian E. Barnes
National Security Reporter
The New York Times
Welcome and Introduction by:
Ms. Bronwyn Bruton
Director of Programs and Studies and Deputy Director, Africa Center
Atlantic Council
Dr. Sean McFate
Senior Fellow, Africa Center
Atlantic Council
Ms. Nathalia Dukhan
Field Researcher and Analyst
Enough Project
Moderated by:
Mr. Julian E. Barnes
National Security Reporter
The New York Times
Welcome and Introduction by:
Ms. Bronwyn Bruton
Director of Programs and Studies and Deputy Director, Africa Center
Atlantic Council
We are living in the age of durable disorder, argues McFate. The retreat of America and rise of global competitors has ushered in a period of unrest and uncertainty that will be hallmarked by increasing terrorism, climate change, dwindling natural resources, and increasingly bloody civil wars. This turmoil has given rise to difficult questions about the future of war and America’s capacity to win in a global system where corporations, foreign mercenaries, and rogue states grow stronger at the expense of traditional nation states. In the book, McFate takes a provocative look at future warfare, drawing from past and present examples, as well as his own career as a soldier in the US Army and a professor at Georgetown University. McFate ultimately constructs ten rules for the future of military engagement, outlining how the United States can adapt to a new style of global warfare and ultimately win in an age of durable disorder.
We hope you can join us for this timely discussion.
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Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street, NW
12th Floor (West Tower Elevator)
Washington, DC 20005
This event is open to press and on the record.
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