Kremlin Aggression in Ukraine: Seeking Restitution for Private Property Seized and Destroyed

Welcome and Introduction:

Ambassador John Herbst
Director, Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

Keynote Address:

Mr. Dmytro Shymkiv
Deputy Head of Presidential Administration
Government of Ukraine
via Video Conferece

Panel 1: The Commercial Damage Wrought by the Kremlin’s Seizure of Crimea and War in Donbas

Dr. Anders Åslund
Senior Fellow, Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

Mr. Jock Mendoza-Wilson 
Director of International and Investor Relations
System Capital Management Holdings

Dr. Irina Paliashvili
Managing Partner
RULG – Ukrainian Legal Group

Mr. Paul Thomas 
Partner and President

Moderated by:
Ms. Melinda Haring
Editor, UkraineAlert
Atlantic Council

Panel 2: Seeking Compensation in the Courts

Dr. Alan Riley
Senior Fellow, Global Energy Center
Atlantic Council

Dr. Eugene Czolij
President; Senior Partner
Ukrainian World Congress; Lavery, de Billy, LLP

Mr. Steve Nicandros
Non-Executive Chairman
Frontera Resources

Dr. Paula Stern
Board Director; Founder and Chairwoman
Atlantic Council; The Stern Group, Inc.

Moderated by:
Ambassador John Herbst
Director, Eurasia Center
Atlantic Council

Please join the Atlantic Council on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Atlantic Council Headquarters (1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor, West Tower Elevators) for a timely discussion of Moscow’s aggression in Ukraine and to see if and how Ukraine, Ukrainians and other holders of Ukrainian property can use the court system to seek restitution for their property losses. 

Over the last few years, Moscow's occupation of Crimea and hybrid war in Donbas have led to the destruction and the forfeit of many billions of dollars of Ukrainian commercial and private property. The Kremlin's "occupation" of Crimea and war in Donbas are flagrant violations of international law, and their destruction and taking of commercial and private property represents a particular violation that has not received sufficient attention. These actions, for instance, violate the Russia-Ukraine bilateral investment treaty, which requires the Russian Federation to respect Ukrainian-owned assets, including those in Crimea. The Atlantic Council is assembling a panel of experts to look at this particular element of Moscow's aggression in Ukraine.

We hope you can join us for this timely discussion.

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