We are grateful for your input thus far into the Atlantic Council's Future of Authoritarianism (FoA) project, led by the Strategic Foresight Initiative of the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security. Our efforts were highlighted most recently by a dynamic discussion of the project during the June 5 Democracy Dialogue at the Wroclaw Global Forum. During that meeting, attended by US and European policymakers, activists, technologists, academics, and business representatives, we examined the role of diplomats, militaries, businesses, and tech firms in supporting civic mobilization and democratic transitions in restrictive environments. A working draft of the FoA booklet featuring commissioned papers on this subject was available for participants.

We would like to invite you to a working lunch on August 20 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Atlantic Council (1030 15th St., NW, 12th Floor, Washington, DC 20005) to discuss the next phase of the FoA project – the policy dimension.  How should US national strategy address the rise of human agency in the international arena? What tools do government and nongovernmental actors have at their disposal to assist nonviolent campaigns and movements committed to democratic development? Should there be a "responsibility to assist" local nonviolent movements as a means to support democratic development and prevent mass violence? How should US policy plus strategy tools and approaches be adapted to reflect the reality that "people power" movements are likely to remain a staple of international relations for the foreseeable future?

Your comments on these topics and on the future direction of the FoA project would be greatly welcomed.  We look forward to an engaging discussion.