Post Agreement: The Role of Natural Gas in Iran's Energy Future

Introduced By:
The Honorable Richard Morningstar
Founding Director Global Energy Center
Atlantic Council

Remarks By:
Dr. Sara Vakhshouri
SVB Energy International

Barbara Slavin
Washington Correspondent

Dr. Brenda Shaffer
Vising Researcher and Adjunct Professor 
Georgetown University

Moderated by:
Yeganeh Torbati
Energy and Foreign Policy Reporter

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Please join us on Tuesday, September 15 from noon – 1:30 pm for a panel discussion on the future of Iranian energy, particularly natural gas, in a post-sanctions world. The panel of Atlantic Council fellows includes Dr. Sara Vakhshouri, President of SVB Energy International, Barbara Slavin, Washington Correspondent for Al-Monitor, and Dr. Brenda Shaffer, Visiting Researcher and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. Yeganeh Torbati of Reuters will moderate the interactive discussion on the following issues and more:


  • The latest insight on the Iran agreement in light of the pending US Congressional vote
  • Iran’s energy policy priorities in the near and medium term, particularly as it relates to natural gas
  • The outlook for foreign investment in Iran’s energy sector
  • The geopolitical implications of Iranian natural gas development 


We hope that you will be able to join us for what will surely be a lively discussion on a timely topic.

Follow the conversation on Twitter at #ACenergy and @ACGlobalEnergy

This event is open to the press and on the record

Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator)
Washington, DC 20005

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.