Fiscal Crises, Corporate Transitions, and Geopolitical Standoffs
Dr. Denise Natali
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies
National Defense University
Dr. Jean-Francois Seznec
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Energy Center
Atlantic Council
Jamie Webster
Senior Director, IHS Energy Downstream Research
Moderated by:
The Hon. David Goldwyn
Chairman, Energy Advisory Group
Atlantic Council
Welcome remarks by:
Annie Medaglia
Deputy Director of the Global Energy Center
Atlantic Council
- How are low prices impacting the economic health of and internal political dynamics in Saudi Arabia? What is the future of Saudi Aramco?
- How are other major producing countries across the GCC, Iraq, Iran, and North Africa adapting and faring in today’s price environment?
- Are fiscal constraints inducing major changes in government policies and/or driving macroeconomic and energy policy trends across the Middle East?
- To what degree are low oil prices driving geopolitical calculations in the region?
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Washington, DC
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