Featuring Remarks byAnnette HeuserExecutive Director Bertelsmann Foundation
Fran Burwell
Vice President & Director, Program on Transatlantic Relations
Atlantic Council
After nearly one year of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, the challenges of reaching an economic agreement between the United States and European Union are apparent. Four rounds of talks have identified points of convergence but accentuated policy differences between the parties on sectoral issues ranging from financial services to data protection and privacy. In addition, controversial issues such as the National Security Agency (NSA) scandal and the inclusion of an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism in TTIP have raised questions about the feasibility of concluding an ambitious agreement and about the perception of TTIP among key stakeholders and the general public. As a result, is TTIP still achievable?
In the run-up to the US-EU summit, where an announcement on reduction in tariffs is expected, please join the Atlantic Council and the Bertelsmann Foundation for the release of the second TTIP stakeholder survey, a follow-up to the March 2013 publication, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Ambitious, but Achievable (A Stakeholder Survey and Three Scenarios). Bertelsmann Foundation Executive Director Annette Heuser and Atlantic Council Vice President Fran Burwell will present the latest data, which explores current attitudes of key US and EU public- and private-sector stakeholders towards TTIP and assesses how these attitudes have shifted over the past year.
This is an invitation-only, on-the-record event. Lunch will be provided.