What if NAFTA Ended? The Imperative of a Successful Renegotiation

Introductory Remarks:
Jason Marczak
Director, Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center
Atlantic Council 

The Hon. Will Hurd (R-TX)
US House of Representatives
United States

Keynote Remarks:
The Hon. Robert Zoellick
Former President of the World Bank,
US Trade Representative, and
US Deputy Secretary of State

United States 

Report Author Panel:
Javier Mancera
Director and Founding Partner of CMM Consulting;
Former Minister for Trade and NAFTA Affairs, Embassy of Mexico to the United States


Phil Levy
Senior Fellow on the Global Economy,
Chicago Council on Global Affairs;
Former Senior Economist for Trade, Council of Economic Advisers
United States

Daniel Schwanen
Vice President of Research,
C.D. Howe Institute

Jenny Leonard
Associate Editor
Inside US Trade

Today’s economic and business realities are markedly different than those of 1994, when NAFTA went into force. NAFTA needs to catch up with the twenty-first century. Decades long collaboration has produced a stronger, freer trilateral marketplace yielding a more competitive North America with strong diplomatic cooperation. But we’ve failed at communicating the benefits of trade to Americans. So, what would happen to North America, and to the United States specifically, if NAFTA ended? Join us to hear from our experts. 

On Twitter? Follow @AtlanticCouncil and @ACLatAm and use #ACNAFTA

Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator) 
Washington, DC 

This event is open to press and on the record.