About the awards
The Atlantic Council Distinguished Leadership Award celebrates the highest-achieving individuals who embody the pillars of the transatlantic relationship. Each year, the event convenes an elite, international audience—including current and former heads of state, political and policy leaders, ambassadors, members of Congress and the administration, military commanders, international business leaders, and leading members of the media.
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General promotion tweets
Mark your calendars!
On May 11, the @AtlanticCouncil will host the 2023 Distinguished Leadership Awards in Washington, DC!
Honorees include @NOIweala, @ODNIgov, @AdenaTFriedman, Gen. Laura J. Richardson of @DeptofDefense, and the Women and Girls of Iran. #ACAwards
Join the @AtlanticCouncil in honoring Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (@NOIweala) of @WTO, The Hon. Avril Haines (@ODNIgov), Adena T. Friedman (@AdenaTFriedman) of @Nasdaq, Gen. Laura J. Richardson of @DeptofDefense, and the Women and Girls of Iran.
Mark your calendar for May 11! https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/
The 2023 Distinguished Leadership Awards is May 11 in DC!
The 2023 honorees are Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (@NOIweala) of @WTO, The Hon. Avril Haines (@ODNIgov), Adena T. Friedman (@AdenaTFriedman) of @Nasdaq, Gen. Laura J. Richardson of @DeptofDefense, and the Women and Girls of Iran.
Learn more about #ACAwards at https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
World Trade Organization
Sample tweets
The Distinguished Leadership Awards is May 11!
#ACAwards recognizes leaders and individuals for their achievement in the fields of political, military, business, humanitarian, and artistic leadership.
This year the @AtlanticCouncil will honor @WTO Director-General @NOIweala. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/

The Hon. Avril Haines
Director of National Intelligence
Sample tweets
The 2023 Distinguished Leadership Awards is May 11!
#ACAwards honor individuals who best demonstrate “distinguished leadership” through their unique contributions toward improving the world.
This year the @AtlanticCouncil will recognize The Hon. Avril Haines (@ODNIgov). https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/

Adena T. Friedman
Chair and Chief Executive Officer
Nasdaq, Inc.
Sample tweets
The 2023 Distinguished Leadership Awards is May 11!
#ACAwards recognizes individuals who best represent the pillars of international relations: political and policy leaders, business executives, military brass, and artistic and humanitarian champions.
This year the @AtlanticCouncil will honor Adena T. Friedman (@AdenaTFriedman) for her leadership in the business sector. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/

Gen. Laura J. Richardson
Commander, US Southern Command
Sample tweets
The @AtlanticCouncil will honor Gen. Laura J. Richardson of @DeptofDefense at the 2023 Distinguished Leadership Awards, celebrating her exemplary management of US military operations across South and Central America and the Caribbean.
Learn more: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/
The 2023 Distinguished Leadership Awards is May 11!
#ACAwards honor individuals who best demonstrate “distinguished leadership” through their unique contributions toward improving the world.
This year the @AtlanticCouncil will honor Gen. Laura J. Richardson of @DeptofDefense. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/
The Women and Girls of Iran
Accepted by

Dr. Mahnaz Afkhami
President & CEO
Women’s Learning Partnership

Azam Jangravi
Iranian women’s rights advocate and a Girl of Revolution Street

Dr. Mehrangiz Kar
Iranian women’s rights lawyer and writer

Nazanin Nour
Actress, writer, and activist
Sample tweets
Mark your calendars!
On May 11, the @AtlanticCouncil will honor the Women and Girls of Iran, saluting their bravery and risking their safety to achieve change. @MahnazAfkhami, @azijangravi, Dr. Mehrangiz Kar, @NazaninNour, will accept the honor on their behalf! #ACAwards https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/
The 2023 Distinguished Leadership Awards is May 11!
#ACAwards honor individuals who best exemplify “distinguished leadership” through their unique contributions toward improving the world.
This year the @AtlanticCouncil will honor the Women and Girls of Iran, saluting their bravery and resilience. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/2023-distinguished-leadership-award/
Follow us on social and join the conversation using #ACAwards