Visiting Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin

Dr. Aldo Flores-Quiroga is a policymaker and international affairs specialist with 18 years of experience in energy and foreign policy. He was Undersecretary of Energy for Hydrocarbons in Mexico’s Secretariat of Energy (2016-2018), where he led the implementation of historic oil and gas market reforms, and negotiated Mexico’s participation in the first ever OPEC-Non OPEC Declaration of Cooperation to stabilize the international oil market. He served as Member of the Board of Directors of Pemex, participating in strategic investment decisions in E&P, refining, petrochemicals, and other segments of the company’s integrated value chain. Dr. Flores was Secretary General of the International Energy Forum (2012-2016), based in Saudi Arabia. He provided strategic direction to the international producer-consumer dialogue, organizing ministerial and expert meetings in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia to promote stable, transparent, and sustainable energy markets. His team coordinated the Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI), a partnership with the IEA, OPEC, APEC, Eurostat, OLADE and UN-Statistics to increase oil-market data transparency. Dr. Flores has published books and articles in English and Spanish on Mexican trade and energy policy, and has been a frequent speaker at international energy conferences.
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