The Atlantic Council’s International Security Program hosted former Danish Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General-designate Anders Fogh Rasmussen for an all-day transition seminar.

The seminar, entitled “Preparing for Success: Transition Seminar for NATO Secretary General-Designate Rasmussen,” consisted of a series of strategy sessions with a small number of top former officials and experts to help prepare the incoming Secretary General to assume leadership of the Alliance on August 1.

Seminar participants tacked the major issues that will confront the next Secretary General, including the challenges of leading the Alliance, succeeding in NATO operations, managing members and partners, and building Allied capabilities.  The seminar involved four former NATO Ambassadors, three former National Security Advisors and two former Alliance Strategic Commanders among others.       
This seminar is part of a series of strategy sessions hosted by Atlantic Council’s Strategic Advisors Group for prominent U.S. and allied officials transitioning to important new commands.  The Atlantic Council recently hosted the President’s nominee for SACEUR ADM Jim Stavridis and U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry for comparable sessions.

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