In an Atlantic Council issue brief, “Change Management and Cultural Transformation in NATO: Lessons from the Public and Private Sectors,” Edgar Buckley, former assistant secretary general of NATO, and Nancy DeViney, vice president for Organizational Change Management at IBM argue that applying lessons learned from change management and cultural transformation experiences from both the public and private sector could make a real positive difference in NATO’s current reform efforts.
The publication was presented during the event “Transforming Towards a Smarter Alliance: NATO Reform in the Age of Austerity,” part of the Council’s Smarter Alliance Initiative in partnership with IBM.
Smarter Alliance Initiative:
The Atlantic Council and IBM established the Smarter Alliance Initiative in response to the NATO Secretary General’s call for European allies to adopt a “smarter” approach to leveraging scarce defense resources to develop and sustain capabilities necessary to meet current and future security challenges. Working with recognized experts and former senior officials from Europe and the United States, the Atlantic Council and IBM have produced a set of policy-oriented briefs focused on NATO reform which will be officially launched during the conference.