Ukraine is once again at a turning point in its young history. The Ukrainian leadership has a unique opportunity to make a decisive break with its authoritarian past and move confidently toward an open, market-oriented society. A Roadmap for Ukraine: Delivering on the Promise of the Maidan is a collection of the Council’s Ukraine in Europe Initiative papers focusing on the economy, energy sector, security, public diplomacy, and various scenarios for Russian actions in Ukraine.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin justified Russian intervention in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea on the grounds of protecting Russian citizens and Russian speakers. This sets a dangerous precedent that threatens nations across Eurasia, including NATO allies in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, placing Ukraine at the frontline in a potentially broader challenge by a revanchist Russia. The shooting down of the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 plane underscores the far reaching implications of the crisis extending beyond Ukraine’s borders to Western Europe and the entire world. As an organization committed to strong transatlantic relationships and a Europe whole, free, and at peace, the Atlantic Council launched its Ukraine in Europe Initiative in early 2014 in an effort to draw attention to the crisis in Ukraine, its global ramifications, and to assist Ukraine as it chooses its own political destiny.
A Roadmap for Ukraine: Delivering on the Promise of the Maidan serves as an invitation to a dialogue with the governments of Ukraine, Germany, the European Union, and the United States with the intention of promoting Ukraine’s freedom and protecting the post-Cold War order. This report will be followed by further Council publications and ongoing discussions on assessing the best options for international engagement, as well as Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s efforts to defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity and implement needed reforms.