The Daily Sabah quotes NATOSource Director and Brent Scowcroft Center Senior Fellow Jorge Benitez on Turkey’s role in fighting the threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham:

Turkey is uniquely qualified to play a leading role in resolving the crisis in Iraq and Syria to improve the stability in the Middle East, said U.S. expert Jorge Benitez.


Benitez estimated that individual NATO members like the U.S., U.K and Germany “will try to stop the ISIS through various measures from military airstrikes to the arming of the Kurds,” but did not mention any possibility of NATO’s direct involvement on its southern border.

“It will be important for Turkey to contribute to these efforts and play a leadership role due to the proximity of the threat to Turkey’s border and Turkey’s significant military capabilities,” Benitez said.

Read the full article here.

Related Experts: Jorge Benitez