Voice of America quotes NATOSource Director and Brent Scowcroft Center Senior Fellow Jorge Benitez on Russian military exercises near the borders of NATO countries:
NATOSource Director and Brent Scowcroft Center Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Jorge Benitez said that Russian military activities along the Finnish border, the deployment of strategic weapons systems to Kaliningrad and Crimea, and positions across the Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet, and in the western and southern military districts, mimicked a full-scale attack against Europe.
In short, Russian military exercises have taken on a threatening posture, Benitez said in an interview with VOA Serbian Service.“These maneuvers are very dangerous. They are provocative; they are excessive both in the size and in their frequency. The West, the NATO members are creating maneuvers of a few hundred, and a few thousand troops for training exercises,” Benitez said.