The Jerusalem Post cites the Atlantic Council and the 2014 Global Citizen Awards Ceremony:

Among the Peres grandchildren is a young woman by the name of Mika Almog who just happens to be the script writer for the satirical program Wonderful Country. She also writes a weekly satirical column in the Hebrew edition of Haaretz.

When her grandfather sought her assistance while job hunting, Almog put him in a series of skits which parodied his experience, his skills and his philosophy, and proved that if anything else, he can be another George Burns, who was also one of those workaholics who kept going well into his nineties and reached a triple digit age.

The Almog-Peres collaborative effort produced under the auspices of the Peres Center for Peace had its New York premiere on Monday when Peres appeared before the Atlantic Council.

The opening scene of the spoof shows Peres packing his personal effects while in the presidential office and deciding what to keep and what to give away.

Read the full article here.