Brent Scowcroft Center Resident Senior Fellow Robert A. Manning and Strategic Foresight Initiative Director Mathew J. Burrows write for Nikkei Asian Review on how a changing balance between the United States, Russia, and China is reshaping the world order:
It was a brilliant move in 1971, when President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger took advantage of China’s desire for support against the USSR with the historic US opening to China. That chess move created a strategic triangle with the United States in the driver’s seat and turned ideology upside down, playing the two communist regimes against each other.
Now with few in the United States and Japan paying attention, tensions with Russia are resulting in Washington getting the short end of the stick, with risky implications for the Asian and global order: Sino-Russian relations are the closer than they have been at any time in the past half-century, giving them a chance to reshape the global order to their liking.