The Daily Caller quotes South Asia Center Nonresident Senior Fellow Barbara Slavin on the history of Iran’s nuclear program and the prospects for other countries in the Middle East to acquire a nuclear weapon:

The Atlantic Council’s Barbara Slavin, meanwhile, pointed out to TheDCNF that Saudi Arabia has been moving to acquire a nuclear bomb for years. “Iran has a program that goes back to the 1950s, and an infrastructure that can’t be wished or bombed away,” she said. “Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, has zero. You can buy expertise, but simply to set up the infrastructure would take a long time.”


Slavin also suggested to TheDCNF that “a nuclear deal, particularly one that has very sound verification measures and a long duration, should actually act to inhibit the proliferation concerns of the Arab countries. And what’s the alternative to an agreement? An Iran that goes back to enriching beyond 5 percent and reduces transparency?”

Read the full article here.

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