Registration is NOW CLOSED for the second scenario-driven, interactive competition to discuss the day-after response to a cyber incident organized by the Atlantic Council in cooperation with Leidos. The conference will be held on the American University Campus in Washington, DC on February 7 – 8, 2014.

Competitor registration has closed

Coaches, Judges, Observers, and Volunteers
may still



Where: American University, Washington, DC
When: February 7-8, 2014
How: Register Online before December 27, 2013!

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What is the Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge?
The Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge is the only student competition devoted to high level policy recommendations for day-after responses to a major cyber incident. The annual event is the “must-attend” student event in international cybersecurity policy. By participating, students benefit from experts at the highest levels of the White House, Pentagon, State Department, and intelligence community and compete to provide the best policy recommendations.

The Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge engages students with a small group of experts to discuss the decision-making process during a serious cybersecurity incident. This competition promotes awareness of cybersecurity policy issues, while providing students and experts an opportunity to network and develop new ideas for the future of cybersecurity policy.

Throughout the competition, university students confront a serious cyber security breach by composing the best cyber policy recommendations and justifying the decision-making process used to rank priorities. During the course of the competition, the scenario will continue to evolve, forcing advancing teams to focus on key priorities during a major cyber attack against the United States.

By participating in the competition, students get the unique opportunity to apply their policy recommendations by briefing real global experts in cybersecurity. Their performance is evaluated by some of the world’s leading cybersecurity policy experts who will participate in the competition as judges.

Who Can Participate?
Graduate and undergraduate students from US and international universities who are interested in the disciplines of cybersecurity policy, international relations, computer science, law, and other related fields are encouraged to apply to compete in teams of four individuals.

For more information, please contact us.