“While the world is certainly a different, more complicated place than it was in 1999, the Obama administration might also find it useful to design a strategy that creates a coherent approach toward the President’s involvement in the NATO, U.S.-EU, and OSCE summits.”

Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and Atlantic Council Board Director Marc Grossman encourages the Obama administration to view the bureaucratic challenge of managing the upcoming NATO, U.S.-EU and OSCE summits as an opportunity to create a more coherent, strategic transatlantic relationship that maximizes the capabilities of all three organizations.

In his brief, Grossman reflects on how in 1999 the Clinton Administration developed a ‘Triple Crown’ strategy for U.S. policy towards Europe through NATO, the U.S.-EU relationship, and the OSCE and suggests that the Obama Administration might consider a similar approach for Europe today.

Grossman outlines the changes that have taken place within NATO, the EU, and the OSCE since 1999 and proposes a coherent strategy for U.S. engagement with Europe through all three institutions. Grossman encourages NATO to address new threats such as energy and homeland security, urges Europe to emerge as a strategic actor equivalent to its economic clout, and calls on the United States to respond to Russian President Medvedev’s calls for a new European security treaty with a plan to modernize and strengthen the OSCE.

The piece can be found on the Atlantic Council’s website at: /publication/triple-crown-2010-can-transatlantic-alliance-be-strategic

This brief is part of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Task Force, which seeks to provide thought leadership on a transatlantic strategy for Central Asia.

The Atlantic Council promotes constructive U.S. leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the central role of the Atlantic community in meeting 21st-century global challenges. Led by Senator Chuck Hagel, Chairman, and Fred Kempe, President and CEO, the Atlantic Council embodies a network of world leaders and experts who aim to renew and energize the transatlantic community through non-partisan and cross-national discussions and studies.


Please contact Mary Micevych, Assistant Director of Public Affairs, at press@acus.org or (202) 778-4993 for more information.