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In the News

May 14, 2024

Global China Hub Assistant Director Matt Geraci in

By Matt Geraci

On May 10, Global China Hub Assistant Director Matt Geraci was interviewed by about Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe and its implications for the Russia-Ukraine War.

China Europe & Eurasia

In the News

May 14, 2024

Global China Hub Nonresident Senior Fellow Kaush Arha in The National Interest

By Kaush Arha

On May 7, Global China Hub Nonresident Senior Fellow Kaush Arha wrote on East Asia Forum about India’s more assertive and confident foreign policy stance influenced by China’s regional influence and India’s strategic recalibration. 

China India

In the News

May 14, 2024

Global China Hub Nonresident Fellow Ngor Luong in The Wire China

By Ngor Luong

On May 5, Global China Hub Nonresident Fellow Ngor Luong co-authored an article on The Wire China about major U.S. tech firms’ investments in China, despite difficult market and international conditions.

China Economy & Business

In the News

May 14, 2024

Global China Hub Nonresident Senior Fellow Kaush Arha in The National Interest

By Kaush Arha

On May 3, Global China Hub Nonresident Senior Fellow Kaush Arha co-authored an article on The National Interest about major U.S. tech firms’ investments in China, despite difficult market and international conditions.

China Economy & Business

In the News

Apr 25, 2024

Global China Hub Senior Director David O. Shullman in “Novi Magazin” Podcast

By David O. Shullman

On April 21st, Global China Hub Senior Director David O. Shullman was featured on the podcast “Novi Magazin,” for a discussion on Serbia’s close relationship with China and the United States’ perspective on this cooperation.

China Politics & Diplomacy

In the News

Apr 22, 2024

Global China Hub Nonresident Senior Fellow Didi Kirsten Tatlow in Newsweek

By Didi Kirsten Tatlow 

On April 19th, Global China Hub Nonresident Senior Fellow Didi Kirsten Tatlow published an article in Newsweek regarding the expansion of Chinese state-owned companies and aligned private businesses in Antigua and Barbuda and other Caribbean countries.

Caribbean China

The Global China Hub researches and devises allied solutions to the global challenges posed by China’s rise, leveraging and amplifying the Atlantic Council’s work on China across its sixteen programs and centers.