Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge: Location & Directions

Day 1 | March 13, 2015

American University Washington College of Law
4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW


WCL PictureGetting There

From Metro
American University Washington College of Law is accessible by Metro. The closest stop is the Tenleytown/AU stop on the Red Line.

From the metro, exit on to Albemarle Street. Turn right on to Albemarle Street and follow it to 48th Street, NW. Turn left on 48th and proceed about four blocks to Massachusetts Avenue, NW. The Law School is situated on your right. Enter it from the Massachusetts Avenue side.
Ave. Distance: 1.2 miles.

Free American University Shuttle (see the shuttle stop location)
Information about the free shuttle is available on the university website

Day 2 | March 14, 2015

American University School of International Service
Corner of Nebraska and New Mexico Avenues in Northwest, Washington DC.

Map AU SISAmerican University, School of International Service, view from Nebraska Avenue

AUSIS PictureGetting There

From Metro
American University is accessible by Metro. The closest stop is the Tenleytown/AU stop on the Red Line.

From the metro exit onto Wisconsin walk toward Tenley Circle. At the circle, turn right. Leave the circle on Nebraska Ave. Follow Nebraska Ave to American University. Continue on Nebraska Ave through campus. The School of International Service is located at the corner of Nebraska Ave and New Mexico Ave. Distance: 0.9 miles. Information about the free shuttle is available on the university website.

Parking is available under the School of International Service at the intersection of Nebraska and New Mexico Avenues, as well as at the Katzen Arts Center Garage on Massachusetts Avenue, just off Ward Circle. The Nebraska Avenue Parking Lot is across the street from the School of International Service.

Parking is FREE on weekends in these lots.