We are excited to announce a new Freedom & Prosperity Grants opportunity for Atlas Network partners, launched in collaboration with Atlas Network.

Strong candidates for funding will present an achievable strategy for increasing economic, political, and legal freedoms in their country or community. We will consider grant requests of up to $35,000 from Atlas Network partners outside the United States. Evidence of matching funding is preferred.

These grants are inspired by our research on Freedom and Prosperity, aiming to increase opportunities for poor and marginalized individuals in developing countries. The Center’s Freedom and Prosperity Indexes show that countries with more freedom tend to also have higher incomes and other indicators of prosperity.

Atlas Network partners have proven to be effective catalysts for policy reforms that remove barriers to enterprise and offer greater opportunities to thrive. Our Freedom & Prosperity Grants will put resources into local projects designed to ensure self-determination and maximize human potential. We aim to drive an improved standard of living across the globe and particularly in developing countries.

Atlas Network accepts no government funding, so its giving capacity relies on the generosity of its donors.

Apply today at: https://www.atlasnetwork.org/grants/freedom-prosperity-grant

Questions? Contact Hane.Crevelari@AtlasNetwork.org

Our reform grantees:

Associacao Livres, Brazil

Association Multi, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Center for Development Studies, Uruguay

Center for Indonesian Policy Studies, Indonesia

Centre for Civil Society, India

Centre for Development and Enterprise Great Lakes, Burundi

COMEXI (Mexican Council on Foreign Relations), Mexico

Foundation for Economic Freedom, Philippines

Foundation for Freedom and Progress, Argentina

Freedom Research Association, Turkey

ICG Research, Albania

Liberty Sparks, Tanzania

MASSEI (Market Solutions Research Center for Social and Economic Issues), Vietnam

Mises Institute of Economic Education, Poland