Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States Jalil Abbas Jilani and US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Daniel Feldman will speak at the inaugural US-Pakistan Conference hosted by the Atlantic Council on October 14 at 1:00 p.m. They will brief participants on the state of the US-Pakistan relationship with a view to 2015 and beyond.

The Conference, part of the Atlantic Council’s US-Pakistan Program, will convene a group of high-level track two individuals from Pakistan and the United States who play a critical role in sustaining and strengthening the US-Pakistan partnership. The Program was launched late last year with the goal of creating a regular forum on current and emerging issues in Pakistan and between the United States and Pakistan that would survive the ups and downs of the political relationship. A final report on the bilateral relationship, with ideas and practicable recommendations from the discussions, will be released following the Conference.

The Conference is a closed-door, invite-only dialogue for track II leaders. This briefing will be available by webcast only. For more information, please contact Nazia Khan,