Please join us on June 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. for an address by The Hon. William A. LaPlante, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, US Air Force, on the roles of industry and government in Air Force Acquisition.

The Hon. William A. LaPlante, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, US Air Force
MajGen Arnold Punaro, USMC (Ret.) , Chairman of the Board, National Defense Industrial Association

The Atlantic Council’s Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security is pleased to announce that Dr. William LaPlante, the assistant secretary of the Air Force (acquisition), will make a public address on The Role of Industry in Air Force Acquisition  on Friday, June 13, at 10:30 a.m. at the Council’s headquarters.

Following more than a decade of war-induced budget growth, the top-line and orientation of defense spending are undergoing change. The investment plans and acquisition programs of the Air Force reflect these changes, which in turn affect industrial capabilities of the companies providing products and services to the Air Force. Dr. LaPlante’s address will discuss how the Air Force acquisition shapes the base of industrial capabilities on which it relies.

The Defense-Industrial Policy Series is a platform from which senior public officials can address defense-capabilities and the public policies that shape them and the markets they service. The series is a joint initiative of the Atlantic Council and the National Defense Industrial Association to engage the perspective of government leaders on issues at the interface of government and industry.

Dr. LaPlante is the service acquisition executive of the US Air Force, in which capacity he is responsible for all Air Force research, development, and acquisition, activities encompassing a portfolio of more than $30 billion per year of programs and a $200 billion investment plan. He brings to his government service three decades of work in defense technology at the MITRE Corporation and Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory. He also has served on the Defense Science Board, the Senior Advisory Group of the US Strategic Command, and the Naval Research Advisory Committee.