Africa Presents an Opportunity for Trump

US President-elect Donald Trump must make Africa a priority because it is in the United States’ interest to help tackle the security, humanitarian, and developmental challenges emanating from the continent, according to J. Peter Pham, director of the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center.

Pham said the Trump administration must focus its Africa strategy on four key principles—earned engagement, realistic expectations, effective partners and partnerships, and flexible structures. Pham, who is vice president for research and regional initiatives at the Atlantic Council, is also the author of a new paper—“A Measured US Strategy for the New Africa.” The paper will be released on December 5.

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Related Experts: Ashish Kumar Sen

Image: Congolese President Joseph Kabila (pictured above) will likely still be the leader of the Democratic Republic of the Congo when Donald Trump is sworn in as the next president of the United States in January of 2017. “That is going to cause a major political crisis in that country, which will reverberate across central Africa," said J. Peter Pham, director of the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center. (Reuters/Kenny Katombe)