The Week in Egypt – March 24, 2014

Catch up on the latest out of Egypt every week, with analysis, news updates, photos, videos, and more.

Quote of the Week

“I feel injustice, repression and that I am second- or third-class citizen — and also I feel offense, that the blood of my son is cheap . . . It is a feeling that kills. This is a police, repressive state.” –Gamal Siam, father of one of the thirty-seven detainees who died in Abu Za’abal incident this past August upon hearing the verdict in the case

“Stop the puppet theater that you have opened. We are not against the candidacy of any former military leader, the military which we respect. … But stay away from the army for a year, and let the media and the people treat you as a human, one that acts like humans who can make mistakes and can do right and be criticized.” – Labor rights activist and former presidential candidate, Khaled Ali criticizing the media for its infatuation with defense minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s possible run for presidency.

Egypt in the News






On EgyptSource


What is the US discussing with the Muslim Brotherhood?, Wael Nawara | Al-Monitor

The United States is far from a monolithic powerhouse with a singular mindset, with consensus on every viewpoint, interest or policy. There are literally thousands of think tanks along with a multitude of organized lobbies, informal pressure groups, members of Congress, staffers, government officials, security agencies, analysts, corporations, activists, columnists and media outlets that influence decision making in one way or another. Some think tanks have spent the last decade recommending that the United States accept that Islamists will eventually rule the Arab world because they are popular. It is now embarrassing to see the string of erroneous analysis and misguided policy recommendations they made.”

“Egyptians are bewildered about how the Muslim Brotherhood still seems to maintain a foothold in some corners of Washington. The Department of Homeland Security and other anti-terrorist intelligence agencies seem to have some form of “cooperation” with the Muslim Brotherhood, possibly as part of an effort to anticipate and prevent another serious terrorist attack on US soil similar to 9/11. This nonetheless has raised some concerns among members of Congress.”

“So while conspiracy theories hover above eastern skies, US foreign policy continues to be dominated by domestic politics, power struggles between the White House and Capitol Hill, pressure groups, fear of terrorist attacks, survival, pragmatism, realism and self-interest. The faster Egyptians learn this, the sooner they can defend their own interests in the city with the biggest lobbying industry in the world — Washington DC.”

Gulf aid geared to revolution’s side effects rather than causes, Amr Kotb | Ahram Online

“Despite the government’s assertions, its focus thus far has been much more on staying afloat economically rather than tackling these problems’ socio-economic causes. Gulf aid has pushed Egypt’s foreign reserves up to LE120.4 billion ($17.3 billion) as of February’s end, and the trade deficit is down 17.9 percent from this period last year.
At the same time, little progress has been reported on the systemic economic issues which led to the revolution. Sixty-nine percent of the unemployed are youth and despite a modest increase in September, the country’s minimum wage remains far below expectations.”

Cartoon of the Week


Man: “The media is corrupt . . . there isn’t any news about the signal jamming” (reference to MBC Misr’s signal being jammed during  Bassem Yousseff’s Al-Bernameg
Newspaper Headline: Terrorists martyr five soldiers

On Twitter

A video revealing several male students at Cairo University harassing a female student sparked outrage on Twitter this week.

Video of the Week

The father of one of thirty-seven detainees killed in the Abu Za’abal massacre reacts after hearing the court verdict in which one officer was sentenced to ten years in prison and three other officers were given one year suspended prison sentences. The detainees suffocated while they were being transferred. Egyptian daily Al-Dostour ran a picture of the father, claiming he was celebrating the verdict. 

Image: Photo of the Week: Morsi supporters rally in Ain Shams, Cairo - March 21, 2014 (Bora S. Kamel)