The Week in Egypt [November 10, 2014]

Catch up on the latest out of Egypt every week, with analysis, news updates, photos, videos, and more.

Quote of the Week

“I used to believe in the motto, ‘Our peacefulness is more powerful than bullets.’ But when bullets started being directed at us and we were accused of being terrorists, I started to believe only in force to preserve my beliefs and establish the Islamic State in Egypt.” – A former Muslim Brotherhood member when asked why he supports the Islamic State. [Al-Monitor]

Egypt in the News







“That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore: Cairo’s Snarky Cartoonists Get the Message”| Louisa Loveluck, The Christian Science Monitor

After three years of revolutionary tumult, and the fall of two presidents, Egypt’s subversive cartoonists are mostly taking another tack. Gone are the irreverent depictions of the leader of the day. And dissenting media outlets, particularly those linked to Mr. Sisi’s Islamist predecessor, Mohamed Morsi, have been forcibly closed, or have ceased publication of their own accord, wary of voicing criticism of Egypt’s popular new leader.

There are periods in history that are not suitable for serious criticism,” says Douaa el Adel, another cartoonist at Al-Masry Al-Youm. “You can criticize, but you must not bring down the system – these people who chant against the military regime don’t understand that the only option is the Muslim Brotherhood.”…

…Amr Selim, an elder statesman of Cairo’s cartooning scene, says the space for dissent has shrunk. And like Ms. Adel, he sees his work as a patriotic duty: “Not everything is perfect, but Egypt must move forward,” he says.

Anwar says little has changed since 2011. “It’s still the case that everyone is seen as being with one side, or against it,” he says. “And most people now are supporters of the regime.”

“The only guarantee of freedom of speech, as I see it, is the existence of cartoonists.”

But just days later, the newspaper published his image of the shuttered office on the inside page. And on Thursday, it was Adel’s turn to send another shot across the bows. In her cartoon, a journalist edges along a tightrope labeled “the margin of freedom.” Below, waits the hand of authority, its fingers poised to flick and send him spinning.

On Twitter: Sisi’s Appointment of Fayza Abul Naga as Security Advisor

Video of the Week

On November 6, the Committee to Protect Journalists and See Media released a new documentary film, “Under Threat,” that highlights the perils of working for Egyptian media across the political spectrum and examines the media environment under President Sisi ahead of Egypt’s parliamentary vote.

Cartoon of the Week

*After a spate of incredible inventions by high-school students reported in the Egyptian media.

Father: “Son, enough with these inventions already, do your homework!”

Source: Mada Masr

This Week’s Interviews

Image: Photo of the Week: A boy looks at the wreckage of a burnt school bus after it crashed in Damanhur November 5, 2014. At least 16 people, mostly children, were killed on Wednesday when the bus crashed into three other vehicles on a desert road in the Nile Delta north of Cairo, state television said. Eighteen people were also wounded in the crash and transported to hospital (Reuters/Al-Youm al-Sabaa)