From the Times (London): Before the election, the Tories spoke of establishing “a new special relationship” — with India. William Hague said that ties with Washington would be “solid but not slavish”. Mr Cameron called for Anglo-US relations to be “rebalanced”, remarking that “Britain should never be frightened of saying no to America.”
Nick Clegg, of course, looks to Europe, not America, arguing that the time has come to break “the spell of default Atlanticism”. We British, he says, “too readily put ourselves in a position of unthinking subservience to American interests”. …
Mr Obama is the first president since the Second World War who is not an Atlanticist. If he has invested little time in cementing relationships with Britain and Europe, that is not a calculated rebuff but evidence that his focus is elsewhere: China, Russia, Iran and the Middle East. In the same way, Hillary Clinton’s call for “discussion” over the Falklands demonstrated that America’s agenda in Latin America is as important as keeping Britain sweet. …
The new prime minister should not seek to revamp that relationship, but start it anew, on a more practical, less emotional basis, divorced from nonsense about snubs and slights, and based securely on our national interest. (photo: Getty)
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