A key Russian defence figure says the deployment of US Marines at Værnes is part of a US buildup to go on a “global blitz” and warned that Norway may make itself a target for a potential nuclear attack.
Frants Klintsevitsj, a deputy chairman of Russia’s defence and security committee, told TV2 that Russia views the presence of 330 Marines in Norway as a direct military threat that demands a reaction.
Klintsevitsj, considered one of Russia’s most influential defence politicians, said that Norway may now be added to “the list of targets for our strategic weapons”.
“This is very dangerous for Norway and Norwegians,” he said….
“We have never before had Norway on the list of targets for our strategic weapons. But if this develops, Norway’s population will suffer,” he warned….
In March 2015, Russia’s ambassador to Denmark warned that Danish ships will become Russian targets if Denmark joins Nato’s missile defence system.
“I don’t think the Danes fully understand the consequences of what will happen if Denmark joins the American-controlled missile defence. If it happens, Danish war ships will become targets for Russian atomic missiles,” Mikhail Vanin wrote in an opinion piece published by Jyllands-Posten.