Atlantic Council president and CEO Fred Kempe has been attending the World Economic Forum meetings in Davos. In addition to his blog posts, he’s been sharing his thoughts via his Twitter account.
Some highlights:
- Overheard at #Davos on more bouyant economic mood among CEOs. "I don’t know whether it is optimism or amnesia."
- #Davos Zeitgeist. The rest of world once came here to learn from Americans and Europeans. Tables now turned. #WEF
- Medvedev tells #Davos crowd that Russia will propose to G20 regulations for internet. Says current principles not working.
- In #Davos, star WPP CEO Martin Sorrell says U.S. deficit is gorilla in the room (global economy). State of Union won’t tame that beast.#WEF
- In #Davos, Edelman Trust Barometer shows a global bear market for U.S. economy.
- Heard in #Davos: Big shot Euro CEO despairs at competing with state-protected, subsidized, low cost, high quality Chinese companies. #WEF
Fred’s blog posts on Davos 2011:
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