TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Speeches & Official Announcements

Secretary Kerry’s Remarks at the Atlantic Council’s “Toward a Europe Whole and Free” Conference
US Secretary of State John Kerry delivered an address at the Atlantic Council’s “Toward a Europe Whole and Free” event. In addition to affirming that NATO territory is ‘inviolable,’ Secretary Kerry highlighted the importance of reaching a TTIP agreement
Secretary Kerry’s full statement can be found here

Barroso Discusses Europe’s Unity in Light of Ukraine Crisis, TTIP, and EU Elections
On April 30, European Commission President José Manuel Durão Barroso delivered keynote remarks at the Atlantic Council’s “Toward a Europe Whole and Free” event, where he discussed a wide array of domestic and foreign policy issues. The unfolding crisis in Ukraine means that a TTIP agreement is all the more pertinent, he said.
President Barroso’s full statement can be found here

Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden at the Atlantic Council’s Toward a Europe Whole and Free Conference
In his closing remarks at the Atlantic Council’s “Toward a Europe Whole and Free” event, Vice President Biden affirmed the White House’s commitment to NATO, saying that NATO and the transatlantic relationship have “never been more relevant than they are today.” Additionally, he emphasized his support of TTIP, noting that it would be “tough” but important.
Vice President Biden’s full statement can be found here


US Senators: Ukraine is “a Test” of the Transatlantic Relationship
Speaking at the Atlantic Council’s “Toward a Europe Whole and Free” event, US Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy insisted that the ongoing crisis in Ukraine will prove a critical test of the transatlantic relationship. Senator McCain noted that the threat of European energy dependence from Russia could alter the balance of power. (Atlantic Council)

Ukraine overshadows NSA rift ahead of Obama-Merkel talks
In advance of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to the United States, GlobalPost quotes Vice President and Director of the Atlantic Council’s Transatlantic Relations Program Frances Burwell as saying that it would be unwise for the White House to believe that the NSA surveillance scandal has been forgotten by Chancellor Merkel and the German public. The issues surrounding NSA surveillance must be addressed in order to facilitate cooperation between the US and EU, she noted. (GlobalPost)

Americans Want to Pull Back From World Stage, Poll Finds
In a recent survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC, 47 percent of Americans said the United States should reduce its role in international affairs, as compared to 19 percent of respondents who believe that the US should be more actively engaged abroad. Only 38 percent of respondents approve of President Obama’s foreign policy, an all-time low for the Obama Administration. (Wall Street Journal)
The full survey results can be found here

NSA What? Spying Scandal Unlikely to Dominate Merkel’s US Visit
Despite the damage done to the relationship between the United States and Germany by the NSA surveillance revelations, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to the United States will likely not be the primary topic of her conversation with President Obama. Instead, the two leaders will probably focus on the crisis in Ukraine and TTIP. (Spiegel Online)

Recent Analysis

Special 301 Report from US Trade Representative Michael Froman
Earlier this week, the Office of the US Trade Representative released its annual Special 301 Report, examining the state of intellectual property rights (IPR) and enforcement. On the subject of TTIP negotiations, the report says that the United States is seeking to ensure “high-level IPR protection” and enforcement.
The full report can be found here

Merkel in Washington: What Does She Want?
Annette Heuser, Executive Director of the Washington, DC office of the Bertelsmann Foundation, writes that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will have three main objectives during her trip to Washington, DC this week, including coordinating a response to the Ukraine situation, promoting the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and addressing the issue of NSA surveillance. If Chancellor Merkel is successful, a response to the crisis in Ukraine could strengthen the transatlantic relationship, potentially benefitting TTIP negotiations in the process. (Bertelsmann Foundation)

Debatt: Frihandelsavtalet är ett ekonomiskt Nato
Brent Scowcroft Center Resident Fellow Erik Brattberg of the Atlantic Council writes that, in spite of difficulties, the United States and European Union have many good reasons to proceed on TTIP negotiations. In addition to strengthening the economies of both the US and EU and improving the transatlantic relationship, a successful TTIP agreement could strengthen the role of the European Union in global affairs and promote world order. (Dagens Industri-original article in Swedish)

Emma Marcegaglia warns EU-US trade deal in danger of stalling
President of BusinessEurope Emma Marcegaglia told the Financial Times that, if Washington does not show more “commitment,” TTIP negotiations could stall. Among other concerns, she says that the offer the US originally made on some tariffs against EU good were less than desirable. (Financial Times)

Energising TTIP: A Step towards Better EU Energy Security
Maya Rostowska asserts that TTIP has the propensity to reduce European energy dependence on Russia and that, in order to be successful, the deal should include “national treatment” of U.S. gas exports, among other things. She suggests that, in the meantime, the European should work toward the proposed “energy union” to improve its energy security (PISM)

AmChams in Europe: “Together for Jobs and Growth: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership”
AmChams in Europe recently produced a publication that highlights the benefits of TTIP, including strengthening economies in the United States and European Union and improving the business climate for both small and large companies. AmChams in Europe will be visiting Washington, DC and Dallas, Texas from May 5 to May 9 on a program organized by AmCham EU. (AmChams in Europe)

Upcoming Events

A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia – May 1, Washington, DCMore Information

The UVA Mortimer Caplin Conference on The World Economy – May 1, Edinburgh, UKMore Information

Stakeholder Meeting On Investment Protection In TTIP – May 13, Brussels, BelgiumMore Information

Transatlantic Privacy Update: US vs. EU Privacy Regulations: A Comparison – May 14, 2014, New York, NYMore Information

oriGIn meeting in Washington, DC on “The TTIP: Expectations of GI producers from the two sides of the Atlantic” –May 20, Washington, DCMore Information

Fifth Round of TTIP Negotiations – Washington DC – Late May 2014