TTIP&TRADE in Action – September 21, 2016

The Office of the United States Trade Representative has formally announced the 15th round of TTIP negotiations will occur in New York, New York between October 3-7. Please follow this link for more details regarding the agenda.

In Focus – Who’s Who: UK’s EU Commissioner

 A day after the UK ’s referendum result to leave the European Union was announced, Jonathan Hill, the UK’s commissioner to the European Union, declared he would step down from the position.
Who Is Replacing Jonathan Hill?”
Perhaps a better question to pose would be, “who are replacing Jonathan Hill?” As Jonathan Hill steps down from his position as the UK’s EU Commissioner, two individuals are stepping in – one to take over his position and one for his portfolio. Early last week, the European Parliament’s civil liberties committee held a three-hour long meeting with Sir Julian King which culminated in the committee endorsing King for the nomination of the United Kingdom’s EU Commissioner.
Julian King 2
A full vote of the European Parliament last Thursday resulted in King’s formal appointment to the EU Commission. King’s portfolio is that of security, and he is appointed until October 2019.The appointment could be shorter if and when the United Kingdom formally leaves the European Union. King is the former British Ambassador to France who received a degree in Philosophy and Theology from Oxford. Given the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union this past summer, many acknowledge King as the United Kingdom’s last EU Commissioner.

With the United Kingdom’s EU Commissioner position filled, the question arises: Who is taking over Hill’s former EU responsibilities of overseeing the financial stability, financial services, and capital markets? Earlier this summer, Latvian EU Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis received Hill’s portfolio of the Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union in addition to his own portfolio of EU Commission vice president for the Euro and Social Dialogue.

Speeches & Announcements 

Malmström, Froman Meet to Progress TTIP Negotiations

“We had a good meeting where we reviewed the substantial progress being made and discussed next steps for moving forward. We have directed our teams to make as much progress as possible during the next round, scheduled for the week of October 3 in New York.”
EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and US Trade Representative Michael Froman met last Thursday, September 15, to discuss the appropriate next steps to progress trade negotiations forward regarding TTIP. Commissioner Malmström and Ambassador Froman planned this meeting in preparation for the 15th round of TTIP negotiations set for October 3-7 in New York City. (European Commission)
Malmström on CETA 
“CETA is, and I dare to say that, the best trade agreement the EU has ever negotiated. It will benefit consumers, workers and entrepreneurs across Europe and in Canada. And it will demonstrate that Europe and Canada mean what we say, when we say we want a trade policy that its progressive and upholds our shared values.”
Ahead of last week’s meeting of EU Trade Ministers in Bratislava, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström participated in a Civil Society Dialogue on the benefits for citizens of CETA, where over 130 organizations registered to participate. In her introductory remarks she underlined both the significant economic benefits of CETA and the fact that it is a highly progressive agreement with a progressive partner, Canada, that shares many of the European Union’s values. (European Commission)
Ahead of her meetings in Bratislava for days filled with EU trade policy discussions,Commissioner Malmström has published a blog entry, previewing the elements that she envisions to be part of the debate. 


12 EU Member States Write Letter Strongly Backing TTIP
Ministers of 12 EU member states signed a letter to EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström in support of continuing TTIP negotiations until successful ratification of the deal. The signers of the letter insisted that TTIP would provide an opportunity to shape modern trade rules and should be fully seized. (Reuters)
Business Representatives Defend TTIP
Head of Government Affairs in Europe for Siemens Clemens Betzel, speaking on behalf of the EU business community, addresses the myth that TTIP will only benefit large corporation and lobbyist groups. According to Betzel, TTIP will make it easier for small and medium enterprises to export, and negotiations should continue until trade negotiators on both sides of the Atlantic have reached an ambitious and comprehensive agreement. (Parliament Magazine)
Business Representatives Regret that TTIP Has Been Heavily Politicized 
During a press conference organised by the Business Alliance for TTIP in Brussels last week, business representatives insisted that TTIP negotiations should not depend on the political calendar, regretting the lack of political leadership in support of free and open trade in some European member states. Asked about the role of business in public discussions on TTIP,  Alberto Abruzzini, CEO at EuroChambres, admitted that “more should be done” to debunk all myths about TTIP” but at the same time cautions that “companies supporting free trade are often accused in Europe that they only serve their own interests.” (ViEUws) – Subscription only-

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Recent Analysis

Malmström Answers Tough Questions on TTIP
In an interview with German newspaper BILD on the same day thousands of people convened in multiple cities in Germany to protest TTIP, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström sheds light on what critics have gotten wrong about TTIP. Contrary to public criticism, Commissioner Malmström insists that TTIP negotiations have been the most transparent trade deal negotiations. (Bild)
TTIP Talks Lack EU Member States Leadership
In this critical analysis for the Wall Street Journal, current CEO and president of the United States Council for International Business Peter Robinson along with the former president Thomas Niles blame the opposition of EU member state leaders to TTIP as an obstacle to TTIP ratification. That said, according to Robinson and Niles, all hope is not lost as long as EU and US trade negotiators show courage and vision in future negotiating rounds. (Wall Street Journal)
The Changing Trade Landscape: Trade Agreements, Globalization and Inequality
In this interview with Anabel Gonzalez, the senior director for the World Bank Group’s Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice offers her views on mega-regional trade agreements, the role of trade in reducing inequality and the importance of international cooperation and domestic policies in making globalization work for all. (World Bank)

TransPacific Partnership – News & Analysis

Trade Helps American Workers
Michael R. Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and founder of Bloomberg LP, and Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce, co-authored this piece explaining why TPP support is essential to American economic growth as well as the American workers. Bloomberg and Donohue argue that global trade opens new markets to US businesses and lowers costs of goods to US consumers. (Bloomberg)
How TPP Would Benefit The US
In an effort to explain why TPP would be beneficial to the US economy, former editor-in-chief of theInternational Business Times Jeffrey Rothfeder outlines the economic benefits of previous trade deals. Rothfeder also cites a 2015 report by economists Peter A. Petri of the Brandeis International Business School and Michael G. Plummer of Johns Hopkins University that estimates TPP would increase exports by 10% and increase real income for Americans by .5% of GDP. (The New Yorker)
Gov. Kasich: No Trade, No Growth
Republican Governor John Kasich of Ohio expresses his strong opinion that TPP will advance US economic growth ahead of a bi-partisan meeting set by Obama last Friday. Governor Kasich believes that the United States must help workers overcome the impacts of global competition and technological change in order to be successful in a changing economy. (Wall Street Journal)

The Bigger Picture – Trade in Action

Euro Not Equipped for Future Crises
This report compiled by experts at Bertelsmann Stiftung, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin, and Jacques Delors Institute in Paris analyzes the strength of the Euro post-Brexit with pessimistic findings. The authors of the report propose a three-step plan to reform the European Monetary Union in order to allow the Euro to succeed, including: a first aid kit for the euro area, reforms and investment for growth, and risk and sovereignty sharing. (Bertelsmann-Stiftung
President Donald Tusk Remarks, Bratislava Summit
President of the European Council Donald Tusk addressed the 27 EU member states invited to the Bratislava summit in remarks after the summit. President Tusk acknowledges that the European Union is not perfect, but it is the best instrument the 27 EU member states to remain have. In order to progress, president Tusk touts the Bratislava roadmap as a means to satisfy the objectives of the summit. (European Council)
 Hillary vs Trump on Trade Agenda
This paper from the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) analyzes the impact of the trade policies as proposed by US Presidential Candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. PIIE predicts that Trump’s trade policy would incite a trade war, and PIIE hopes that Clinton will return to supporting TPP if elected. (PIIE)

Upcoming Events

EU Trade Agreements in Practice – Making Trade Work for You  – September 22 in Bratislava, hosted by the European Commission – More Information
Launch of Assessing Trade Agendas in the US Presidential Campaign – September 22 in Washington, hosted by the Peterson Institute for International Economics – More Information
Protectionism and the Future of US Trade Policy: A Conversation with US Trade Representative Michael Froman and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  – September 22 in Washington, hosted by the American Enterprise Institute – More Information
Conference: EU Trade Agreements in Practice – Making Trade Work for You – September 22 in Bratislava, hosted by the European Commission – More Information

Inclusive Growth in the European Union – September 22 in Brussels, hosted by Bruegel – More Information
Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) – informal meeting of trade ministers – September 23 in Bratislava, hosted by the Council of the EU – More Information
Europe’s Energy Union: Strategy on Research, Innovation and Competitiveness – September 23 in Washington, hosted by European Institute – More Information
Economic and Financial Issues Facing the Next President – September 26 in Washington, hosted by Cato Institute – More Information
How The United States Should Negotiate Trade Deals –  September 27 in Washington (webcast), hosted by Peterson Institute for International Economics – More Information
WTO Public Forum 2016: Inclusive Trade – September 27-29 in Geneva, hosted by World Trade Organization – More Information
Trade Vistas Launch – September 29 in Washington, hosted by Center for Strategic International Studies –More Information
Inclusive Growth in the European Union – September 29 in Brussels, hosted by Bruegel – More Information
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