Since the inception of the Ukraine crisis, Estonia has played a critical role in enhancing security on NATO’s eastern border, including hosting a large-scale NATO exercise, STEADFAST JAVELIN 1, which tested allied forces on their ability to work together as well as maintaining NATO’s readiness and combat effectiveness.

Just days after President Obama announced the European Reassurance Initiative aimed at bolstering European security against the backdrop of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, Estonian Chief of Defense, Major General Riho Terras spoke at the Atlantic Council about the reassurance measures in place in the Baltic region, as well as further steps that could be taken to help preserve the credibility of NATO’s Article 5. This off-the-record roundtable conversation focused on Estonia’s perspective on threats emanating from Russia, how to best utilize funds from the European Reassurance Initiative, and how to maintain momentum within NATO through the Wales summit.

Prior to his appointment as chief of defense in December 2011, Major General Terras served as the deputy chief of staff for operations of the Estonian Defense forces from January 2011 to March 2011 and then continued his service as the chief of staff of the Estonian Defense Forces.