Fact Sheet |
GOAL: | A strategy that identifies practical ways to strengthen the US-German relationship from a “next generation” perspective. |
PRODUCT: | “Through a New Prism: A Next Generation Strategy for the US-German Relationship,” a thirteen-page, illustrated report published on June 9th, 2015 in Washington, DC and Berlin. The Atlantic Council published a German version of the report on June 30th. |
APPROACH: | Twelve DC-based Americans and Germans between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five (“Next Generation Fellows”) prepared the report under Atlantic Council oversight. |
OTHER FEATURES: | The Fellows received structured input for the report in two ways: via roundtables and through an online discussion forum.
Roundtables: The Atlantic Council organized five roundtables with DC-based experts and one roundtable with Berlin-based experts on key issues. Online Discussion Forum: Americans and Germans worldwide between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five were able to generate ideas and exchange views on strengthening the US-German relationship in this online forum (“Next Generation Network”). |
PARTNERS: | Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft (German Atlantic Association); Bertelsmann Foundation; American Council on Germany; Konrad Adenauer Stiftung; American Institute for Contemporary German Studies; Representative of German Industry and Trade; German Information Center. |
Please contact Next Generation Fellow Anna Schiller at aschiller.dc@gmail.com for more information.