

Jul 23, 2024

Key takeaways from China’s Third Plenum 2024

By Hung Tran

The communiqué of the Third Plenum of the CCP Central Committee lacks major policy initiatives to address the country’s near-term growth challenges.

China Economy & Business


Jun 26, 2024

China and the US both want to ‘friendshore’ in Vietnam

By Stanley Zhengxi Wu

As a “connector economy” bridging the supply chains between United States and China, Vietnam is being courted by both powers. How can the US pull Vietnam closer to its side?

China East Asia


May 22, 2024

There’s less to China’s housing bailout than meets the eye

By Jeremy Mark

Beijing’s property measures are a drop in the ocean

China Economy & Business


May 21, 2024

The Euro’s share of international transactions is likely smaller than it looks 

By Hung Tran

And the renminbi’s is larger.

China Economy & Business


Apr 9, 2024

Breaking down Janet Yellen’s comments on Chinese overcapacity

By Hung Tran

It is reasonable to criticize and complain to China, but policymakers should remember that an end to overcapacity would mean a major shift in China’s economic model—which is exceedingly unlikely.

China Economy & Business


Feb 16, 2024

Youth unemployment in China: New metric, same mess

By Nicole Goldin

The youth labor induced weakening of Chinese productivity and growth has the potential to impact youth labor markets worldwide.

China Economy & Business


Feb 9, 2024

China’s stock market collapse is the end of the road for many foreign investors

By Jeremy Mark

The long-running collapse of Chinese stocks has wiped out trillions of investment dollars and delivered another blow to an economy beset by property crisis, slow growth, and deflation, and has added uncertainty about Beijing’s very support for money-making.

China Economy & Business


Feb 1, 2024

Is China decelerating or recovering?

By Daniel Rosen

Rhodium Group predicts a modest recovery for China in 2024, a contrast to previous deceleration, contingent on Beijing's structural reforms and credible policy shifts.

China Economy & Business