The US-Chile partnership has long been taken for granted. Having just celebrated 200 years of bilateral relations, strengthening the alliance with Chile is an important opportunity for the United States to reinforce its regional presence and partnerships. A clear action plan for US-Chile ties will be on the agenda on March 30 when we convene Ambassador Bernadette Meehan, United States Ambassador to Chile, and Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdés, Ambassador of Chile to the United States. The central focus: how they expect or hope the alliance will evolve in the coming years.
This discussion will coincide with and be informed by the Washington DC visit of a nine-member Chilean delegation – composed of six parliamentarians representing six individual parties – organized in partnership with the Atlantic Council.
Join us in-person at the Atlantic Council headquarters on Thursday, March 30, from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. (ET). The hour-long event will be proceeded by an in-person networking session to engage with the delegation and our distinguished speakers on critical issues for the future of US-Chile relations. Light refreshments will be served.
Keynote speakers
The Hon. Bernadette Meehan, US Ambassador to Chile
H.E. Juan Gabriel Valdés, Ambassador of Chile to the United States, Republic of Chile
Joanna Pérez, Representative, Independent, 21st District, Biobío Region, Chamber of Representatives, Republic of Chile
Diego Ibáñez, Representative, Social Convergence Party, 6th District, Valparaiso Region, Chamber of Representatives, Republic of Chile
Raúl Leiva, Representative, Chile Socialist Party, 14th District, Metropolitan Region, Chamber of Representatives, Republic of Chile
Diego Schalper, Representative, National Renovation Party, 15th District, Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins Region, Chamber of Representatives, Republic of Chile
Jorge Alessandri Vergara, Representative, Independent Democratic Union Party, 10th District, Metropolitan Region, Chamber of Representatives, Republic of Chile
Catalina Perez, Vice-president and Representative, Democratic Revolution Party, 3rd District, Antofagasta Region, Chamber of Representatives, Republic of Chile
Issa Kort, Director of International Relations, Universidad Andres Bello
Kathleen Barclay, Director, AmCham Chile
Paula Estevez, General Manager, AmCham Chile
Jason Marczak, Senior Director, Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, Atlantic Council
Diego Area, Deputy Director, Strategic Development, Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, Atlantic Council
We are proud to organize this event in alliance with the Embassy of the United States in Chile, the Embassy of Chile in the United States, AmCham Chile, and Universidad Andrés Bello.

The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center broadens understanding of regional transformations and delivers constructive, results-oriented solutions to inform how the public and private sectors can advance hemispheric prosperity.
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