Ukraine’s media environment is colored by contradiction. Significant press freedom has been marred by violent attacks on journalists from time to time. TV news channels abound, though most are owned by oligarchs. Social media has emboldened independent journalism but given rise to Kremlin disinformation. Earlier this year, President Zelenskyy sanctioned Russian-backed media channels but some complain of pressure on state media outlets. Alarmingly, the independent Kyiv Post recently closed amid allegations of editorial interference.

While independent media continue to grow in Ukraine, a majority of Ukrainians do not receive their news from these sources. What is the state of media freedom in Ukraine today? How quickly are independent media growing? What’s the best way to ensure independent news coverage on major television stations?

Myroslava Barchuk, host at Ukrainian TV channel UA: First, Brian Bonner, former chief editor of the Kyiv Post, Yevhen Hlibovytsky, partner at Ukrainian consulting firm Pro Mova, and Sevgil Musaieva, chief editor of Ukrayinska Pravda, join to discuss the direction of Ukraine’s media environment. Melinda Haring, deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, moderates.


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