Please join the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center for a private, off the record, virtual roundtable on the IMF World Economic Outlook with Senior Fellows Alexis Crow, Hung Tran, and Josh Lipsky, Director of the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center.
As supply-chain bottlenecks continue to aggravate and global commodity markets remain volatile in wake of the war in Ukraine, inflation and growth outlooks will be under the spotlight in the coming months. Our experts will break down the new World Economic Outlook report and unpack the risks the global economy still faces as it begins to adjust to the new realities of the global economy. China’s trajectory is especially of interest – from lockdowns to the possibilities of secondary sanctions. Our experts will also analyze the IMF’s take on the recent surge in inflation and commodity prices across the global economy.
Alexis Crow
Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Geopolitical Investing Practice, PWC US
Josh Lipsky
Director, Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center
Former IMF Advisor
Hung Tran
Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Former Deputy Director, IMF