As the global community continues to grapple with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Atlantic Council is open for business. Our business, meetings, and events, however, are occurring virtually. For more information, please read an update from our President and CEO.
A public discussion in the Central Europe Week virtual event series
Co-hosted by the Polish V4 Presidency and the Atlantic Council
The coronavirus pandemic has inflamed the challenges already facing the transatlantic alliance while also exposing new and unforeseen risks. In this historically uncertain time, cooperation and transparency among allies is needed more than ever to grapple with the threats we must navigate together, including economic recession, supply chain insecurity, and geopolitical tensions, among others. The United States and Central Europe, as highlighted in a recent report by the Atlantic Council and GLOBSEC, can help lead the alliance on a path to recovery and long-term resilience. This discussion brings experts from the US and Central Europe together to outline actions toward a common agenda for the post-pandemic future, and is part of the Council’s broader virtual event series Central Europe Week: Charting A Post COVID-19 Future Together.
Ms. Julia Friedlander
C. Boyden Gray Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, GeoEconomics Center
Atlantic Council
Dr. Radovan Geist
Dr. Konrad Popławski
Head, Central European Department
Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
Mr. Tomáš Prouza
Confederation of Trade and Tourism of the Czech Republic
Mr. Márton Ugrósdy
Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary
Ms. Alena Kudzko
GLOBSEC Policy Institute
Organized in partnership with
Future Europe Initiative
Providing expertise and building communities to promote transatlantic leadership and a strong Europe in turbulent times.
The Future Europe Initiative promotes the transatlantic leadership and strategies required to ensure a strong Europe.