As the global community continues to grapple with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Atlantic Council is open for business. Our business, meetings, and events, however, are occurring virtually. For more information, please read an update from our President and CEO.
Event description
Oceans are known as the final frontier. Currently, humanity knows less about oceans than about outer space. The oceans present potential solutions to some of our world’s most pressing problems such as climate change and food security, and are also an emergent strategic geopolitical battleground, with recent increased activity in the South China Sea.
This GeoTech Hour will cover current oceanic data gaps, how and when these data gaps may be filled, and the implications of filling such data gaps. It will further touch upon the intersection between the oceans and international affairs, and how data is transforming this relationship.
Additionally, understanding both the deep ocean as well as coastal areas will be essential for our future ahead. Our panelists will also discuss the need to be prepared for when climate change starts to cause both extreme ocean-related weather events, such as severe hurricanes and typhoons – as well as “splash over events”, where ocean water mixes with land-based sources for potable freshwater.
Thammy Evans
Nonresident Senior Fellow, GeoTech Center
Atlantic Council
Horst Kremers
Secretary-General, Senior Engineer and Information Scientist, and
Information Systems Strategy Advisor
Eric Rasmussen
Infinitum Humanitarian Systems (IHS)
Sahil Shah
Co-founder and Director
Sustainable Seaweed
Hosted by
David Bray, PhD
Director, GeoTech Center
Atlantic Council

GeoTech Center
Championing positive paths forward that societies can pursue to ensure new technologies and data empower people, prosperity, and peace.
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