The response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created new precedents for economic statecraft. The United States and Western allies have deployed economic tools to weaken Russia’s economy and curb its military advancement. These range from new sanctions against individuals and firms to export controls on technology and the blocking of hundreds of billions in Central Bank reserves. This year has also seen the United States ratchet up pressure on Iran as it negotiates its way back into the nuclear deal. It has also invoked the powerful Foreign Direct Product Rule to deprive China access to state-of-the-art semiconductors that Beijing could use for military purposes.
This special event will mark the first anniversary of our Economic Statecraft Initiative and two years since the launch of the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center at the Atlantic Council. We are delighted to invite you to look back with us on a historic year for economic statecraft.
Join us on November 30, at 10:30 am to discuss how the four pillars of economic statecraft – sanctions, export controls, investment screening, and capital markets – have evolved this year and what to expect in 2023. This event will also formally launch our new report on Russia’s domestic economy, nine months after Russia’s launched its war in Ukraine.
Opening remarks
Josh Lipsky
Senior Director
Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center
Sarah Bauerle Danzman
Associate Professor of International Studies
Indiana University Bloomington
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Economic Statecraft Initiative, Atlantic Council
Julia Friedlander
Chief Executive Officer
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Economic Statecraft Initiative, Atlantic Council
Annie Froehlich
Special Counsel
Cooley LLP
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Economic Statecraft Initiative, Atlantic Council
Jeremy Mark
Nonresident Senior Fellow
GeoEconomics Center, Atlantic Council
Charles Lichfield
Deputy Director
GeoEconomics Center, Atlantic Council
At the intersection of economics, finance, and foreign policy, the GeoEconomics Center is a translation hub with the goal of helping shape a better global economic future.