In the issue brief “The Transatlantic Bargain After ‘the Pivot’,” authors Barry Pavel, director of the Council’s International Security Program, and Jeff Lightfoot, program deputy director, argue that as the United States reassesses its defense priorities towards the Indo-Pacific region amid cutbacks on defense spending, European partners in NATO must take on a larger responsibility for security within their own region and remain a close partner with the United States in providing security for the Middle East.
The Atlantic Council Covers the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago
For over fifty years, the Atlantic Council has served as a preeminent, nonpartisan institution devoted to promoting transatlantic cooperation and international security. This May, as the NATO Summit converges on Chicago, the Atlantic Council maintains that the transatlantic alliance remains not only relevant, but vital, to today’s changing world. However, if it is to remain so, the transatlantic link must be modernized to account for our new fiscal and changing geopolitical circumstances. The Council will provide a cadre of experts who are available for analysis of the major issues shaping the Summit in Chicago, while also engaging and developing the next generation of transatlantic leaders in a host of related activities and resources.